Global Business Guide Indonesia

PT Dan Liris PT Dan Liris PT Dan Liris PT Dan Liris PT Dan Liris PT Dan Liris PT Dan Liris PT Dan Liris
PT Dan Liris | Dan Liris Employees Enrolled in Textile Competence Assessor Training Program

As part of its initiative to promote the development of new skills within its workforce, Dan Liris on the 25th of November 2013 sent 20 of its employees to participate in the Textile Competence Assessor Training Program (TCAT). The program, held in collaboration with Indonesia’s Professional Certification Institute (LSP), provides participants with the necessary training to become certified assessors of textile manufacturing standards and accurate judges of a textile worker’s proficiency in spinning, weaving and other related tasks.

Having carefully selected individuals from their printing, spinning and weaving divisions, Dan Liris expects that these newly appointed assessors will prove to be an invaluable asset in monitoring the work of other employees and will make a significant contribution to the company’s ability to maintain high standards of textile and garment production. The company has been active in preparing its human resources for the implementation of the ASEAN Economic Community in 2015, and are thus well positioned to meet potential challenges such as increased competition. Moreover, by encouraging their employees to attain competency certificates recognised throughout the ASEAN, Dan Liris is poised to serve a growing regional market soon to be open to increased movement of goods, services, capital and investment across borders.

PT Dan Liris