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STEKPI / Trilogi University STEKPI / Trilogi University STEKPI / Trilogi University STEKPI / Trilogi University STEKPI / Trilogi University STEKPI / Trilogi University STEKPI / Trilogi University STEKPI / Trilogi University
STEKPI / Trilogi University | Trilogi University Participates in Game Prime 2016

On 29th – 30th November 2016, Trilogi University students participated in the 8th Game Prime 2016 event that took place at Balai Kartini in Jakarta. Trilogi University’s Trigger Community attended on behalf of the university which sought to showcase their video game development skills at Game Prime 2016; the student group received guidance from lecturer of the university’s Information Systems study programme, Mr Silvester Dian Handy Permana.

The event is an annual conference that is attended by approximately 2,000 visitors including leading game developers, industry practitioners, and renowned figures from the international gaming industry. During the event, members of the Trigger Community had the opportunity to demonstrate their latest games hence illustrating Trilogi University’s adeptness in innovation and skills; among the games developed by the student community included T-Ball, Bounce, and Flying Pito which featured a design incorporating Indonesian culture. Trilogi University through its most recent event participation looks to foster innovative skills amongst its enrolled students so as to propel Indonesia’s gaming industry forward in the future.

STEKPI / Trilogi University