Global Business Guide Indonesia

PT Dan Liris PT Dan Liris PT Dan Liris PT Dan Liris PT Dan Liris PT Dan Liris PT Dan Liris PT Dan Liris
PT Dan Liris | PT Dan Liris Hosts Panen Raya CSR Event

On Sunday, 22nd June 2014, PT Dan Liris invited the Governor of Central Java, Mr Ganjar Pranowo, the Regent of Sukoharjo and Sukoharjo’s regional leaders to witness and participate inPanen Raya – a CSR program carried out via cooperation between PT Dan Liris, Desa Banaran’s local government and the Desa Banaran Farmers Group as a means to support local farmers and the surrounding community.  Panen Raya marks the harvest of rice from a 40 ha paddy field owned via a profit sharing system between PT Dan Liris and its aforementioned partners from Desa Banaran. 

The profit sharing system sees 60% of profits allocated to the Desa Banaran Farmers Group, 35% to PT Dan Liris, and the remaining 5% to the village's local government.  Moreover, through PT Dan Liris' endeavour to implement new technology, the type of rojolele rice planted in the paddy field can be harvested in only 90 days. 

First initiated several decades ago, this cooperation with the Desa Banaran community to harvest rice is but one of many CSR programs undertaken by PT Dan Liris. The company has in the past been involved in the construction of places of worship, educational facilities, and public infrastructure such as street lighting and irrigation systems for the local community. Moving beyond Desa Banaran and the Sukoharjo area, PT Dan Liris recently participated in initiatives to assist victims of floods in Jakarta, volcanic eruptions from Mount Merapi and Mount Kelud, and Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines.

PT Dan Liris