Global Business Guide Indonesia

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Business Services | Technology Transfer
Drs. J. Tanzil & Associates | Drs. EC. Josef Tanzil
Drs. EC. Josef Tanzil

Success in our industry does not depend on pricing or branding; it is about having a partnership built on trust.

Drs. EC. Josef Tanzil, Chairman

Drs. J. Tanzil and Associates has a long history as one of Indonesia’s leading public accounting firms dating back to 1974. Over the course of four decades, the company has also expanded its services to tax and management consultancy. What more can you tell us about your firm and its main strategies going forward?

Drs. J. Tanzil and Associates has learned that the most effective way to market ourselves is by word-of-mouth rather than elaborate promotions. Furthermore, our company’s philosophy is not to become number one. To do that means overtaking other leading firms; which is an insurmountable task. Instead, what we are aiming to achieve is to become one the best with regards to quality as opposed to size; meaning, Drs. J. Tanzil and Associates differentiates itself with a particular focus on formulised services and excellent company-client relations. In other words, this company seeks to be the most trusted and reliable business partner for clients and we have enjoyed success in this regard so far.

Our corporate philosophy is not static, but rather encourages continuous growth and ongoing improvements. Trustworthiness and reliability are not easy to maintain. Consequently, our strategy has also always been to recruit the best people, to keep ourselves updated with the latest knowledge, and to apply the best working method. To illustrate this point, in one of our past encounters, a company from France who sought to inspect the quality of our services sent its quality assurance director to assess us. She went home impressed by the security level of our firm’s IT system as well as by the general quality of the work that we do. Success in our industry does not depend on pricing or branding; it is about having a partnership built on trust.

The Indonesian business landscape also has a unique character in which 90% of companies here are family-owned. Drs. J. Tanzil and Associates prioritises this segment as its main target market. We are not focusing on state-owned or multinational companies, although we also do have such clients.

President Joko Widodo took office in 2014 accompanied by high expectations that his administration would increase the competitiveness of Indonesia’s economy. From the present standpoint and based on your company’s long experience as an accounting firm, what is your outlook regarding Indonesia’s fiscal state and its economy in general?

In general, I am very optimistic due to the sheer size of the Indonesian market. Furthermore, despite suggestions that Indonesia’s resources have been exhausted, I still believe that there are still abundant resources to work with.

From the fiscal point of view, I have a similar level of optimism provided that Indonesia improves its tax-to-GDP ratio and everybody pays their taxes. Presently, I already see many improvements. However, the pace of overall reform lags significantly behind other countries; we also need to see progress in areas such as education and law.

What are Drs. J. Tanzil and Associates’ future plans in terms of innovations, new services or new divisions?

We are part of an ever-changing global environment, thus the needs of our clients always evolve. Our company has grown considerably from offering simple accounting and auditing services as well as serving as a tax consulting firm like in the past. At present, Drs. J. Tanzil and Associates has expanded through the recent additions of services in the field of information technology, risk management and strategic consulting. We constantly try to develop new divisions and recruit proven specialists to staff them.

Foreign investors have been quite active in Indonesia over the last decade. In your opinion, what opportunities does this bring for Drs. J. Tanzil and Associates with regards to cooperation?

We want to be a frontrunner in our field, a service provider who foreign investors, companies and individuals alike can trust and rely on. Additionally, we are open to partnership opportunities, one of which is in the domain of information technology, especially in IT security and consulting; as long as it is mutually beneficial.

As a final message, what would you like Global Business Guide’s readers to remember about your company?

Foreign firms who require accounting services and key insights from a local consulting firm that is familiar with the effective way of accomplishing objectives in the Indonesian business environment should come to us. That said, it ultimately depends on your needs. For audit reports within the context of an international outlook, international CPA firms continue to offer the most expansive services. However, for a nuanced and in-depth understanding of the local Indonesian market and the services that are most needed and sought-after here, prospective clients should look to firms such as Drs. J. Tanzil and Associates. International CPA firms do not possess the level of local expertise that we can offer.

Global Business Guide Indonesia - 2016

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