Global Business Guide Indonesia

ASDP Indonesia Ferry ASDP Indonesia Ferry ASDP Indonesia Ferry ASDP Indonesia Ferry ASDP Indonesia Ferry ASDP Indonesia Ferry ASDP Indonesia Ferry ASDP Indonesia Ferry
Business Services | Knowledge Transfer
ASDP Indonesia Ferry

Human Resources

As mandated in the company’s 2011-2015 Human Resources Roadmap, ASDP Indonesia Ferry is dedicated to continuously improving upon the quality of its already well trained human resources. The company motivates its employees through a clearly defined and structured career path that rewards high levels of performance. University graduates recruited by Indonesia Ferry are initially placed within one of its marginal cluster branches. Employees that demonstrate the ability to take upon a more comprehensive set of responsibilities progress up the ranks towards placement in a growth cluster branch, as these have a more significant bearing on the company’s commercial success. In keeping with the goal of compensating employees at a level commensurate with their contribution to total corporate revenue, employees receive higher salaries when working in a growth cluster branch. Furthermore, ASDP Indonesia Ferry also strives to hire internally when looking to add to its management team and board of directors, thereby building for corporate stability and cohesive lines of communication between headquarters and operations in the field.

ASDP Indonesia Ferry also makes available training programs as well as educational scholarships for Masters Degree programs at both local and international universities. To ensure that their investment in human resources has a positive impact on the success of the company, ASDP Indonesia Ferry carries out an extensive evaluation of measurable performance to determine each employee’s capabilities and contributions. Through these initiatives the company has been able to generate superior human resources prepared to ensure high safety standards and optimal productivity on vessels and in ports.

ASDP Indonesia Ferry

Agent of Development

ASDP Indonesia Ferry

ASDP Indonesia Ferry at its core was created to ensure that remotely located regions of Indonesia have access to public transport and do not become isolated from more developed provinces; a mission of utmost importance given the inherent difficulty of linking over 17,500 islands in what is a sprawling archipelago. Pioneering routes that provide otherwise unobtainable goods and services as well as facilitate the spread of ideas between islands were therefore considered critical to encouraging growth in all corners of the country, and this continues today with ASDP Indonesia Ferry currently operating 32 routes serving outer islands.

Having now incorporated a more commercial approach to the ferry industry, the company stays true to its roots as an agent of development by seeking out opportunities in areas presently untapped but with the potential to be drivers of Indonesia’s continued economic growth. As such, ASDP Indonesia Ferry has been active in establishing ports and ferry routes on islands such as Ternate, Ambon, Luwuk and Kupang – thereby putting in place infrastructure to meet demand brought about by rising business activity and at the same time accelerating said business activity by providing a means for goods, labour, and innovation to enter these parts of Indonesia.

ASDP Indonesia Ferry takes upon an even more hands-on approach to stimulating development in lesser served areas through CSR programs to build places of worship as well as initiatives to encourage community empowerment. Through the Partnership and Community Development Program (PKBL), the company provides soft loans for SMEs and cooperatives and has been able to provide financial assistance to more than 150 partners across Indonesia.

Going forward, ASDP Indonesia Ferry is positioned to drive Indonesia’s economic development by providing solutions to the challenge of high logistics costs. Backed by the new government’s policy shift towards sea transportation, the company will implement coastal shipping routes to reduce road traffic between major commercial hubs located on Java’s northern coast.

Awards & Achievements

  • 2013

    ASDP Indonesia Ferry named Best State Owned Enterprise by the Infobank Bureau of Research on the basis of impressive revenue growth and financial performance. The company placed 2nd in 2012.


    ASDP Indonesia Ferry was recognised as one of the top three transport service providers in Indonesia by the Ministry of Transportation, in the category of Best Water Crossing Transport.


    Following a thorough socialisation program, ASDP Indonesia Ferry formally implemented its Good Corporate Governance guidelines and principles to ensure transparency and integrity at all levels of the company.