Global Business Guide Indonesia

PT Pura Mayungan PT Pura Mayungan PT Pura Mayungan PT Pura Mayungan PT Pura Mayungan PT Pura Mayungan PT Pura Mayungan PT Pura Mayungan
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PT Pura Mayungan | Switchboard Components
Premium Copper Busbars

Pura Mayungan distributes busbars from Oriental Copper which are produced by a quality control process of hot extrusion and cold drawing using LME ‘Grade A’ Copper cathode at a minimum of 99.99% purity. The resulting copper busbar provides electrical conductivity of 100% or above the International Annealed Copper Standard being equal to or greater than 58 MS/m. The copper busbars are available in either bare copper or tin plated in half hard drawn temper. Tin and silver at a minimum purity of 99.5% are used for coating the contact surfaces to prevent the onset of oxidation.

For optimal performance, it is recommended that all Medium Voltage and Low Voltage switchboards use premium quality copper busbars to safeguard against energy and heat losses.