Global Business Guide Indonesia

Indaco Paints and Coatings Indaco Paints and Coatings Indaco Paints and Coatings Indaco Paints and Coatings Indaco Paints and Coatings Indaco Paints and Coatings Indaco Paints and Coatings Indaco Paints and Coatings
Joint Ventures | Investment
Indaco Paints and Coatings | Envi Decorative Paints

Decorative paint sales make up the majority of the market of the Indonesian paint sector and consumption has been rising steadily in line with the growth of residential and commercial property as well as infrastructure projects. Upgrades of existing infrastructure being undertaken by the Indonesian government and large scale residential developments in Indonesia’s capital and secondary cities are also driving decorative paint sales and placing Indonesia as one of the fastest growing paint markets in Asia Pacific.

Indonesia’s tropical climate requires high quality, durable paints that offer resistance to wear, fungus as well as corrosion and colour fading from UV rays. Indaco’s Envi brand has been developed with these needs in mind and includes roof paint, anti-corrosive primer, gloss enamel and latex wall paints in a comprehensive range of shades using the company’s own Colour Innovation Technology for total accuracy and customisation. Each paint type within Indaco’s decorative paints portfolio offers high gloss retention for long lasting results as well as being very fast drying and requiring a minimal number of coats with 20% more coverage per coat than other paints in the market making it highly cost effective; particularly for large scale projects.

Indaco has undertaken extensive research into the most environmentally sustainable production methods and materials for decorative paints. The company’s dedicated in-house R&D team formulated high quality decorative paints which are produced using organic, odour free materials and without the use of harmful, carcinogenic chemicals such as lead mercury or ammonia. The result is Indonesia’s first locally designed and manufactured range of environmentally friendly paints which have far reaching potential across the market given the increased momentum for green building as well as growing health consciousness among the Indonesian consumer market.