Global Business Guide Indonesia

PT Dan Liris PT Dan Liris PT Dan Liris PT Dan Liris PT Dan Liris PT Dan Liris PT Dan Liris PT Dan Liris
PT Dan Liris | Retail
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As the latest step in a long-term oriented expansion plan, Dan Liris’ retail outlets embody the company’s understanding of the fashion industry, born out of close cooperation with several of the world’s most popular clothing labels. Dan Liris adeptly identifies novel opportunities in the retail market and through its experience in manufacturing intricate batik garments and designer apparel, is able to design high quality products well received by Indonesian consumers.

This is particularly true for the company’s Bateeq brand, first established in mid-2013 in collaboration with sister company Efrata Retailindo. Conscious of an underserved niche market for more contemporary batik clothing, Dan Liris employed its manufacturing capabilities to produce batik wear intended for a more fashion forward generation of consumers and in a short period of time has enjoyed considerable success. Not six months after its being founded, Bateeq opened its tenth retail outlet in Bandung – adding to its already impressive presence in Indonesia’s major commercial centres.

Dan Liris seeks to continue to branch out into other value added products; in addition to its re-imagined batik shirts, dresses and shawls, the company has already begun retailing printed T-shirts under the brand name Blangkonn. Again demonstrating its grasp of the Indonesian consumer mindset and a talent for capturing the attention of would be customers, Dan Liris successfully launched a new line of t-shirts in collaboration with prominent Indonesian artists.