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PT Cedefindo | Semi Contract Manufacturing Services
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As part of its initiative to adapt to individual client requests and ensure a wide-breadth of manufacturing service packages, Cedefindo make available a Semi Contract Manufacturing agreement. This package caters to the needs of customers who require direct manufacturing and filling of cosmetics but can provide packaging materials. As such, Semi Contract Manufacturing is particularly suited to firmly-established cosmetics brands seeking an internationally certified manufacturing base in a domestic and regional market presently experiencing a rise in cosmetics sales driven by consumers’ increasing ability to afford everyday luxuries.

A hallmark of Cedefindo’s Semi and Full Contract Manufacturing packages is its raw material procurement services. The company is able to tap into its extensive network in Indonesia and abroad to source premium ingredients such as inorganic and organic pigments to produce a wide selection of aesthetically pleasing colours, thereby providing clients with a host of different options when deciding to create new decorative make up products. Moreover, Cedefindo specialises in the procurement of unique Indonesian heritage ingredients such as langsat, hibiscus, mangosteen, jasmine and kumis kucing that are increasingly popular amongst cosmetic brands striving to achieve further penetration in the growing natural cosmetic market. These ingredients can be added to most forms of cosmetics, including fragrances and scrubs, and are particularly sought after in whitening treatments that continue to have considerable growth in Asian markets.

Cedefindo’s strengths in being able to manufacture top of the line cosmetics and obtain premium ingredients has encouraged multinational brands such as Lancôme to identify the company as the cosmetics manufacturer of choice in Indonesia. With attractive regional markets soon to open up following the introduction of the ASEAN One Market in 2015, the Semi Contract Manufacturing package stands as the ideal collection of services for brands seeking a seamless and straightforward transition into Southeast Asia, and ready to quickly expand upon their presence in the region.