Limited liability companies (Perusahaan Terbatas (PT)) in Indonesia must hold an annual general meeting of shareholders (AGMS) at least six months after the end of the PT’s financial year. The AGMS must discuss and approve the annual report submitted by the Board of Directors (BOD), which must consist of at least the following:
The Indonesian Company Law allows a general shareholders’ meeting (GMS) to be held by teleconference, video conference or any other electronic means.
In addition, a PT’s Articles of Association (AOA) can permit shareholders to adopt a resolution without convening a GMS, namely by way of a Unanimous Written Resolution of Shareholders (UWRS), provided that:
For PTs, notice of a GMS must be delivered to shareholders no later than 14 days prior to the convening of the GMS, and the notice must be sent by registered mail and/or announced in a daily newspaper. The notice must:
The notice of a GMS can be waived if all shareholders attend the GMS and approve the resolution unanimously.
A GMS can be validly convened if attended or represented by parties holding more than one-half of the total shares with valid voting rights. If this quorum for the GMS is not reached, a notice for a second GMS can be sent informing shareholders that the first GMS failed to reach a quorum. The second GMS will be valid and entitled to adopt resolutions if attended by shareholders representing not less than one-third of all shares with valid voting rights. In the event the quorum for the second GMS is not reached, the PT can request the chairman of the relevant District Court to determine the quorum for the third GMS.
A PT Tbk must convey notification of the agenda of the GMS to the Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK)) no later than five days before the GMS announcement, which must be made at the latest 14 days before the invitation to the GMS is issued. The GMS announcement must include the:
One or more shareholders who individually or collectively represent one-twentieth or more of the total shares with voting rights can propose GMS agenda items to the BOD of the PT Tbk at least seven days before the invitation for the GMS is issued. A PT Tbk must invite shareholders to attend the GMS no later than 21 days before the GMS, excluding the date of the invitation and the date of the GMS. The invitation for the GMS must at least include:
The GMS announcement and invitation must be announced:
Evidence of these announcements must be submitted by the PT Tbk to the OJK no later than two days after the announcements are made. A GMS will be deemed valid if one-half of shareholders holding shares with voting rights attend or are represented at the meeting. If such quorum cannot be reached, a second GMS can be held with a quorum of one-third of shareholders holding shares with voting rights. If the quorum for the second GMS cannot be reached, a third GMS can be held with a quorum as stipulated by the OJK at the request of the PT Tbk.
SSEK - 2016
Capital: Jakarta
Population: 259 million (2016)
Currency: Indonesian Rupiah
Nominal GDP: $936 billion USD (IMF, 2016)
GDP Per Capita: $3,620 USD at Current Prices (IMF, 2016)
GDP Growth: 5.0% (2016)
External Debt: 36.80% of GDP (BI, Q2 2016)
Ease of Doing Business: 91/190 (WB, 2017)
Corruption Index: 90/176 (TI, 2016)