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Bahana | Bahana Securities
Investment Banking

Bahana Securities, a driver of national development through the provision of an extensive range of innovative financial services, is well-known as one of the largest investment banks in Indonesia. Held in particularly high esteem for its award winning Capital Markets and Advisory divisions, the investment bank offers specialized expertise sought by businesses and institutions encompassing privatization, equity offerings, share buyback, tender offers and bonds, among other fields. Success in this regard has seen Bahana Securities consistently ranked as the leading house in Indonesia for equity transactions as well as secured its position as the "No.1 Investment Bank & Lead Underwriter in Indonesia" by volume with a 14.5% market share for equity and rights offering.

Bahana Securities’ unrivalled presence in the Indonesian market facilitates its ability to execute landmark equity transactions on an almost annual basis. Previous transactions include Indonesia’s largest rights issue in 2010 (PT Bank BNI), the largest placement in 2009 (PT Delta Dunia Makmur), the largest privatization in 2007 (PT Jasa Marga) and the largest equity placement in 2006 (PT PGN).  

Bahana Securities’ Advisory division draws on the expertise of an experienced team of investment bankers in carrying out pre-IPO advisory, financial restructuring, equity/debt financing as well as mergers and acquisitions. Adhering to a corporate culture that prioritises prudence and integrity, every recommendation made by Bahana’s financial advisory division is subject to rigorous deliberation backed by a firm understanding of prevailing market trends. Further supported by a research team heralded as among the most accurate in forecasting the performance of Indonesian companies; Bahana Securities’ advisory services are sought after by large state owned enterprises as well as leading private entities seeking guidance in conducting a range of financial activities.

The company’s previous projects in the capacity of financial advisor include overseeing the divestment of state owned telecommunications company PT Telkom’s shares in subsidiaries Patra Telekomukasi and Citra Sari Makmur; serving as the Sole Financial Advisor to Indonesia's Ministry of Industry during the government's acquisition of PT Indonesia Asahan Inalum (Inalum); and carrying out an appraisal of life insurance firm PT Asuransi Jiwa InHealth Indonesia in preparation for its acquisition by Bank Mandiri.