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Bahana | Bahana TCW Investment Management
Bahana Dana Likuid

Bahana Dana Likuid is one of Bahana TCW Investment Management’s most prominent products presenting investors with the advantageous opportunity to invest in low-risk, short-term debt securities. This open-end fund invests 100% of its assets in money market instruments and debt securities issued by the Indonesian government and companies domiciled in the country with maturity of less than one year. In overseeing the management of this fund, Bahana TCW Investment Management employs a strategy centered on the 3 R’s - Rebalancing, Reinvestment, and Risk Management – and works with Standard Chartered Bank as the fund’s custodian.

As testament to Bahana TCW’s prudent investment strategy, Bahana Dana Likuid has experienced steady growth in net asset value, shown in the figure below.