Global Business Guide Indonesia

Bahana Bahana Bahana Bahana Bahana Bahana Bahana Bahana
Bahana | Bahana Artha Ventura

Bahana Artha Ventura through its provision of financial facilities and funding to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) serves as an engine of inclusive growth across the Indonesian archipelago. In keeping with Bahana’s longstanding mission of furthering the capabilities of the real sector, the company prioritizes the disbursal of capital needed by nascent businesses to expand and as such has been behind the emergence of companies that now stand as key players and trend setters in their respective industries.

In working with SMEs and cooperatives, Bahana Artha Ventura presents a variety of loan products, including:

  • Stock Inclusion
  • Bond Conversion
  • Profit Sharing

The most popular among these funding schemes is Bahana Artha Ventura’s profit sharing system as the preferred means for local companies to pursue capacity building.

In addition to making available financial capital, Bahana Artha Ventura also provides active assistance in the form of management training and marketing support. These complementary initiatives ensure that SMEs develop the wherewithal to efficiently allocate resources and make the most of their potential. Close cooperation with the government in creating a regulatory environment conducive to the success of SMEs places the state owned enterprise in a unique position whereby the concerns and recommendations of partner enterprises can be readily relayed to relevant ministries.

Bahana Artha Ventura’s dedication to encouraging SME development through methods more involved than limiting cooperation to the provision of loans has seen the company establish itself as a principal partner for a fast growing number of local companies. Since taking over the venture capital operations previously managed by Bahana Pembinaan Usaha Indonesia prior to its transformation into a non-operational holding company, Bahana Artha Ventura has gone from working with a total of 22 SMEs in 1994 to in excess of 47,000 as of 2013. The company’s progress is thus set to continue, with particular scope for growth in lesser-developed parts of the country now more accessible to the company following the establishment of region-specific subsidiaries (PMVD) tasked with identifying untapped opportunities to provide venture capital.