Mining Law No. 4/2009 came into effect January 2009 and replaces Law No. 11/1967. Implementation procedures No. 22/2010 and No.23/2010 were enacted in 2010 to provide the guidelines for how the law is to be executed.
Global Business Guide Indonesia - 2012
Contribution to GDP: 3.44% (2016)
Oil & Gas Imports: $1.22 billion USD (Jan 2016)
Proven Oil Reserves: 3.69 billion barrels (2016)
Proven Gas Reserves: 2.85 trillion cubic metre (2016)
Proven Coal Reserves: 28 billion tonnes total reserves (2015)
Proven Potential in Geothermal Energy: 27 GW
Proven Potential in Hydropower: 75 GW
Other Energy Sources: Coal Bed Methane, Biomass, Waste, Ocean Current, Solar, Wind.
Current Energy Mix: Petroleum 41%, Coal 30%, Natural Gas 23%, Renewables 6% (2014).
Overview of the Coal Industry in Indonesia
Balancing Domestic Demand and Exports in Coal