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STEKPI / Trilogi University STEKPI / Trilogi University STEKPI / Trilogi University STEKPI / Trilogi University STEKPI / Trilogi University STEKPI / Trilogi University STEKPI / Trilogi University STEKPI / Trilogi University
STEKPI / Trilogi University | Trilogi University Publishes Grand Design for Research & Community Empowerment

Trilogi University on 28th April 2014 published its Grand Design for Research & Community Empowerment; a master plan providing guidelines on the areas of research to be focused on by the university over the years to come. Written in accordance with directives from the Directorate General of Higher Education as well as the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Grand Design puts in place a framework for research conducted by Trilogi University between 2014 and 2019 and encompasses 9 prioritised fields of study, namely:

  • Population, Poverty and Human Resources
  • Food, Energy and Water
  • Information and Communication
  • The Environment, Waste and Sanitation
  • Globalisation: Economic and Social Integration
  • Local Wisdom
  • Design, Art and Creative Industries
  • Good Governance
  • Regional Autonomy and Sovereignty (Decentralisation & Regional Budgeting)

Trilogi University’s Grand Design for Research and the key subjects it emphasises will serve as the umbrella under which all of its future research initiatives over the next five years will fall. The decision to put in place clear guidelines for research was motivated by Trilogi University’s desire to consolidate its academic pursuits to cover a collection of topics that actively address challenges faced by Indonesia today (i.e. food security, waste management). In doing so, the university aligns its research strategy with the Ministry of Education and Culture's Strategic Plan for 2010-2014, which is built upon the core objective of improving access to high quality education that is internationally competitive and relevant to state needs.  

Pursuing research in these fields of study, as described in the Grand Design for Research, will also facilitate the university being able to achieve its vision of “becoming a university that is innovative and dedicated to developing technopreneurship, collaboration, and independence; in accordance with the principles of Pancasila by the end of 2020”. The university also expects that its formalised plan for pursuing research will produce tangible results in the form of greater scientific publications, more prototype products, an increase in patents and rights to intellectual property, as well as a rise in the university’s impact on policy-making in Indonesia.

Providing the impetus for Trilogi University’s current and future research programs detailed in the Grand Design for Research are improvements to its organisational structure, human resources, facilities and research funding. These improvements coincide with the educational institution’s evolution from STEKPI to Trilogi University in 2013. Together with Trilogi University’s broader 2013-2018 Strategic Master Plan, the Grand Design for Research leaves no doubt in regards to the university’s priorities and course of action for the immediate future. This has the university positioned to further its influence in the Indonesian education sector as a research driven institution focused on key national issues.