Global Business Guide Indonesia

STEKPI / Trilogi University STEKPI / Trilogi University STEKPI / Trilogi University STEKPI / Trilogi University STEKPI / Trilogi University STEKPI / Trilogi University STEKPI / Trilogi University STEKPI / Trilogi University
STEKPI / Trilogi University

Trilogi University is a newly established university formerly known as STEKPI, one of Indonesia’s leading business schools based in Jakarta, founded in 1988 under the Jakarta Education Development Foundation. The school has always focused on providing the highest level of teaching quality and professionally experienced faculty members to prepare graduates for immediate entry into the workplace through extensive soft skill development alongside practical knowledge.

Over the decades, STEKPI has undergone a series of revitalisations in order to adapt and keep pace with the educational needs of Indonesia’s banking and finance sector. The recent development of Trilogi University is a reflection of Indonesia’s rapid economic development and the need for more creative and technology savvy entrepreneurs as well as improved sustainability within the areas of food and energy.

Trilogi University now offers a comprehensive range of new courses for graduates and undergraduates including Bioindustry and Telematics in addition to the continuation of STEKPI’s business and finance programs. The curriculum of each course has been carefully designed taking into account the latest trends in the industry as well as instilling the values of ‘teknopreneurship’ whereby students are encouraged to create business ventures which benefit the surrounding community.

As the university enters a new and exciting phase in its development, it has begun to establish links with Indonesia’s leading universities and is keen to forge ties with further academic partners within the ASEAN, Asia Pacific and Australasia.

STEKPI / Trilogi University
STEKPI / Trilogi University

Key Information

Date of Establishment: 1988

Type: Private Institution

Number of Students: 1,500 (for STEKPI School of Business only)

Number of Faculty Members: 42 (for STEKPI Business School) and another 42 for Trilogi University’s new courses

Number of Alumni: 4,929 (STEKPI School of Business)

Program of Study Accreditation Grade: B (Undergraduate and Postgraduate Management Program, Undergraduate Accounting)

Certifications: ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System for Provision of Business and Management Higher Education Services

Local Presence

International Links

STEKPI was a pioneer in forging links with international universities having previously cooperated with SUNY at Buffalo, New York, USA prior to the Asian financial crisis. The regeneration and transformation of the university to become Trilogi University opens up new possibilities for international cooperation with educational establishments and private sector entities worldwide in the fields of student exchange, faculty exchange as well as joint research and collaboration. Organisations involved in the university’s new areas of academic focus such as biotechnology and the creative industries; particularly those within the Asia Pacific region would be of specific interest for the immediate future.

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International Links

Local Presence

Over the past three decades, STEKPI has built and maintained close relationships with national and multinational banks as well as financial institutions in Indonesia for the shaping of its curriculum, graduate recruitment and seminars. Trilogi University is now expanding its local reach through establishing links with Indonesia’s leading state universities for benchmarking and collaboration on its new curriculum. The university is also increasing its network among local and multinational companies based in Indonesia for cooperation in terms of research, guest lecturing, student internships and for the future to provide business seminars and training that draw on the school’s extensive business and management knowledge.

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