Global Business Guide Indonesia

Surya University Surya University Surya University Surya University Surya University Surya University Surya University Surya University
Surya University | Research Centre

At the heart of Surya University’s ability to attract the most skilled students, lecturers and researchers are its 79 research centres, each dedicated to a unique field of study. Based out of the cutting edge Surya Research & Education Centre (SURE) located on campus in Serpong, these research centres are tasked with serving as the primary drivers of innovation within the university and are actively encouraged to collaborate with the government and private sector players to identify industries most in need of technological advancement and/or scientific breakthrough.

Among the pioneering research centres that have already made significant contributions to their area of expertise are the Virtual Reality Application Centre, the Agricultural Biotechnology Centre, the Centre for Econophysics, the Centre for Robotics & Intelligent Machines, the Indonesia Brain Research Centre, and the International Institute for Clean Energy and Climate Change. Surya University groups these research centres in addition to the other 73 into eight clusters, as listed below:

  • IT, Games & Applications
  • Advanced Technology
  • Marine, Environmental & Renewable Energy
  • Life Sciences & Food Technology
  • Technopreneurship & Green Economy
  • Education
  • Science, Olympiads & GASING
  • Art, Design & Culture

This organisation allows for inter-related objectives, clear research goals and facilitates collaboration between scholars from similar fields in search of an unconventional approach to scientific queries.

The completion of Surya University’s new campus will add a further forty buildings earmarked for the purpose of housing research facilities. This will go a long way towards encouraging the return of Indonesian PhDs abroad as part of the university’s plan to expand its faculty to include more than 1000 doctorate degree holders and consolidate its standing as the hub for high quality research in Indonesia.